Every school must have approval to offer courses, services, or other activities for college credit in Oregon, even when the college is regionally or nationally accredited, and regardless of whether these academic programs are offered at a campus or other site in Oregon, or to Oregon students via distance learning or online delivery from outside the state. Apart from Oregon’s public colleges and universities, Oregon community colleges, and certain non-profit private colleges with a long history in Oregon, all degree-granting schools must be authorized by ODA to offer academic programs in Oregon.

The Office of Degree Authorization is responsible for…
  • AUTHORIZATION OF ACADEMIC PROGRAMS offered by degree-granting institutions under its regulatory oversight, including degree, partial degree, placement, and non-degree programs. Schools that meet the twenty Oregon standards described in Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 583-030-0035, may be authorized to offer full academic degree programs, courses for college credit, and clinical, student-teaching, internship, externship, or other placement programs. ODA is responsible for the review and authorization of programs at all levels, from Associate’s to Doctoral degrees – regardless of the school’s accreditation status. ODA also approves certificate and other non-degree programs offered by degree-granting private colleges.
  • APPROVAL OF EXEMPT STATUS for qualifying schools under criteria determined by current statutes and administrative rules. Exempt status is determined by the ODA Administrator based on application, review, and verification of the relevant criteria.