The Oregon Student Access Commission is pleased to introduce a series of podcasts devoted to topics of interest to students, adult learners, families, and other key audiences. Check back regularly for new podcasts on a wide range of topics, such as; finding funds for college, applying for scholarships, filing for education tax credits and refunds, and much more! Click on any of the topics below.
For Students & Parents
- Applying for Schools & Early Admission (Transcript)
- Applying for Scholarships (Transcript)
- FAFSA (Transcript)
- Student Budget – How I am Paying for College (Transcript)
- Understanding Your Award Letter (Transcript)
- Campus Visits (Transcript)
- General Testing Information (Transcript)
- Oregon College Differences (Transcript)
- Disclosing Disabilities in College (Transcript)
- What is Incight (Transcript)
- Tips for High School Juniors (Transcript)
- Tips for High School Seniors (Transcript)
- Making the Most of a College Fair (Transcript)
- Tips for Effective College & Scholarship Essays (Transcript)
- Avoiding Scholarship Scams (Transcript)
- Financial Aid for Former Foster Youth (Transcript)
- The OSAC Scholarship App Process & Interview (Transcript)
- A Testimonial of the OSAC Scholarship App Experience (Transcript)
- The Top 20 Things Every College Freshman Should Know (Transcript)
- Strategies to Succeed in College (Transcript)
- Federal Work Study (Transcript)
For ASPIRE Coordinators
- Summer Bridge Activities for ASPIRE’s Community-Based Organizations (Transcript)
- Effectively Using Facebook to Promote Your ASPIRE Program (Transcript)
- Recruiting Volunteers (Transcript)
For ASPIRE Volunteers
- Using Cooperative Language When Mentoring Teens in ASPIRE (Transcript)
- Effective Mentoring (Transcript)
Available Players
Here are just a few MP3 players that can be downloaded for free*.
*These are third party software providers. OSAC does not warranty or make any claims about these software providers or their programs.